altho im banned frm using com
but i still tou tou cum n post.
am i bad?
my mum ban me
cos eoy is like 'near'?
or i tink is bcos of my bad results bah
wadeva man.
ytd 2bee went fer audition
altho it din realli turn out well
but we tried our best yarh?
cheer ups!
we're neva gonna give up jus like dat
2bee is always de BEST.
dis is our vry last yr together liao
so yar.
must cherish de tym together
mayb a chalet at de end of dis yr?
dats my idea.
it's so cool.
im crapping
but i hope it'll cum true.hahaa.
tmr is lit test.
mrs rod din teach us hw to even write it!
wads dis larh.
i realli tink i'll fail tmr
really gt no idea hw to write it
n my eng sucks lor.
surely can make it de.
jus gt a haircut ytd
n it suckx la
so short
but i carn make dem
GROW at such a short tym
so jus hav to acept de fact la
no matter wad happenslife has to go on.
[a] 6:05 PM
Derrick Hoh Wei Jian staggered into our office 15 minutes late today, looking bleary-eyed and a tad disorientated. Sprawled over the table, he answered our first few questions haltingly and even repeating his curt answers several times.
Fortunately, it took him 10 minutes before he woke up from his dreamy stupor. From then, it was business as usual for the bubbly boy-next-door who joked with us, climbed ladders gamely for our photos and gleefully announced that he’s going to fellow contestant Chanel Pang Jing Ying’s birthday bash today.

derrick lookin all so sad


a smile~

i realli carn accept de fact dat u r out lorhs
i realli to see you on Tv soon~
Wo men hui 'hen xiang ni' de!
'Chu Ci Zhi Wai' ,
you must 'ji de' that you still have a lot of supporters k?
You are 'wan mei' in our hearts!
i have faith in eu-
his interview`Last week when we interviewed eliminated contestant Jason Tan Kok Khian, he said one of the remaining male semi-finalists (Junyang, Weilian or Derrick himself) has changed and become less humble. What was your reaction when you heard about this observation?
Derrick: I wondered who he was referring to because I felt the three of us didn’t have any major changes. Maybe Jason got it wrong; at the least it shouldn’t be me right? (laughs)
Who did you think it was?
Derrick: I have no idea! Even if you include the fifth semi-finalist Chia Wei Choong into the picture, I still feel none of us has changed that much to garner that kind of impression.
Were you, Junyang or Weilian unhappy with Jason for making such a negative comment?
Derrick: When we learnt about it, we didn’t discuss the matter among ourselves because we didn’t want it to affect our performance.
Did you feel it was unfair because it could have affected the public’s impression of the three of you?
Derrick: You can’t really say that, because Jason wanted to say it and I can’t control him, right? If I wanted to spout some nonsense today, I could because I wanted to say it. It’s okay lah.
Right from the beginning of the competition, we have heard so much about how close-knitted all of you are. Now, contestants are saying bad things about each other to the press. What’s happening? Were these friendships fake to begin with?
Derrick: I personally think there are cliques in every environment. It’s not fake or pretentious; it’s just the fact that one will get along better with some people than with other people. There’s nothing strange about it.
From your message board, it seems some people agreed the person in question was you. Did you think that affected your notes and thus your elimination?
Derrick: No lah, I don’t think so. I personally feel whatever Jason said, it’s inapplicable to me. Of course, I did wonder if it was me that he was referring to, but then, it can’t be because a lot of description didn’t fit me or the others. I was puzzled about the article.
Why did you think you were eliminated?
Derrick: I think I lost because of my poor performance this week; I got the lowest points. I’m not really familiar with the theme this week, so whatever I performed that day was a challenge and I think I pulled it off pretty well. It may not be the best to the audience, but I know my limits and I think I’ve reached it.
Do you regret leaving the competition?
Derrick: Of course! But I’m relieved at the same time because I heard about their schedule today and I felt heng ah! Their day starts at 7am and ends at 12 midnight! It was stressful but I also enjoyed myself. It was something I like and not anything like what I did before. Tired but until very happy!
What will you miss most about?
Derrick: I won’t miss the other contestants, because I know we’ll still meet up and keep in contact. What I’ll miss is rushing for events, the feeling where I’m busy but also very happy. I’ll also miss performing. I was on stage performing every week, but now I’m back to square one.
There was a perverted message (which we have already deleted) in your message board posted by a fan who wanted to kidnap you and have you all to deranged herself.
Derrick: (shocked) Argh! Yucks! But you’ll never know if it’s really a fan or not it’s the Internet; anybody can post anything there.
Are you worried, the way Chew Sin Huey is after someone posted threats on her message board?
Derrick:Oh, I’m actually quite worried for Sin Huey! She’s very scared and worried. Of course, the guys in the competition will take turns to protect her. Junyang, Sin Huey and myself are Westies (living on the West side of the island). We usually share cabs home, and unlike the past where we’ll just drop her off at her block, now we’ll walk her up to her flat.
When are you going in to the army?
Derrick: Tentatively it’s September 9 at Pulau Tekong, one day before Choong (referring to fellow contestant Chia Wei Choong). We won’t meet but we may see each other while marching around.
Wah, nice date huh!
Derrick:It’s not a good date! ~jiu jiu~ in army leh (Jiu is nine in Mandarin, also sounds like long), not good!. Not like there’s going to be a wedding.
We hear famous people get bullied in army. Are you scared?
Derrick: I don’t know about that. I hope not! I’m a ruo xiao nan hai leh! bu ke yi zhe yang dui wo! (I’m a small little boy, cannot treat me like this!)
How’s your relationship with your girlfriend throughout this period?
Derrick: (turning evasive) We’re still in contact. We didn’t have much time to spend with each other during the competition, but we still update each other on how we are doing. Yes, we’re still together.
derrickno matter wadu r fereva in my hearrtn u will nevaa be replaced.jiayous!(:
[a] 8:53 AM
im here slacking again
i hav nt imrove on my hmwrk done
still left wiv
-xiao shuo
fer dnt im nt gonna hand in on thurs
maths leh?nt handing in
xiao shuo?oso nt intending to do
but definitely im gonna study fer science
mite do it later
or tmr yarh?
hmwrks r so suckie!
went to tm
rite after ndp
soo cool
gv was like long queue?
but we still queued fer de tickets
to charlie n de choc factory!
watched de 2.05 show
cos de otheres were like selling fast
so yarrh
mandice n i went to hav lunch
took neos
which was rather a success
den after dat went walking ard
saw lotsa ppl
saw gayle
my pri sch teachers!
omg.dat was a real shock
n yarhh.lastly,
i waved rite on his face
duno whether he did realise it?
so we went to de cinema
charlie n de choc factory
is indeed a GREAT show!!
very magical
but de willy wonka was a lil gay
charlie was cute
evryone shld nt miss dis show yar?
very very very very
is singapore's burday!
happy burfday to eu
happy burfday to eu
happy burfday to singapore
happy burfday to eu
zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
zhu ni sheng ri kuai le
singapore iLOVE_eu!
zhu singapore happie foreva!
it's a pity i carn go to watch de padang
must be very nice
im off to study scince nw
evryone jiayous wor!
i dun wan eu to noe all dis___it will eventually cum to an end.
[a] 2:43 PM
cramps here n dere
arggghhhsshad 2.4 today
n sad to say
my result too disgusting to be said
i carn endure alrites?
pray hard dat i'll pass
n get OVER dis yeahhs?
after de run
i went wiv samantha
to blow sea wind [chui hai feng]
she caught alot of aeroplanes
10++ bahhs?
we climbed de tall tall rock
[actualli not really tall]
den i scratched my leg
n i dun even noe!
so we played sum childish games up dere
like vampire
`vampire vampire vampire cheh!`
i feel so retarded you mei you?!
den we go n play wiv de sea water
splashed water at each other
so FUN
den sam attempted to climb another rock
she made it to de top
but i carn
so i din climb laa
den suddenly gt one tide cum
im wet
real wet
den sam came dwn
slippedinto de water
all wet!!
after dat went to change
den made our way to mac
sam went bare-footed
she does nt want to wear her dirty shoes
after eating we went to rent bicycles
guess wad?
we carn seem to balance ourselves!
so malu lor
den mandice suddenli appear
frm dere sam rented another bike
den we cycled off fer 2hrs like dat
so shuang
sing lotsa songs
de breeze is sooo COOL
after dat went hm liaoos
n im so damn tanned now
black like man-ka-li
but all in all
i had
alot of fun
it has been a very long tym eva since
i played soo much
so yarrhss
i wun ferget dis
losing de faith in me____
[a] 6:28 PM