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Friday, March 31, 2006
the feeling's back here again.
the stress, the fear in me.
i seriously gotta say dat secthree life is real tough.
continuos tests and many other thgs.
the results that nvr seemed to be satisfying..
sumtimes, i really do hate myself when i lose to the ppl ard me.
being competitive sumtimes isnt a gud thg.
this feeling really sucks.dats all i can say.
im sick.so sick of studying.
sick of looking into txtbks.
sick of thinking abt the results.
n SICK of tinking abt the upcoming mye.
time really flies.
it's like only four more weeks.
JUST four more weeks to mid yr.
i cant imagine wad it wld be like when exam comes.
hw wld the paper be like?
haix.i really cant imagine..
i dunno y im here typing all these crap la.
but bear with me.
im jus getting ap-ed nowadays.

[a] 3:29 AM

Friday, March 24, 2006
bensay! (x

im so in love wth secthree bonding camp.
palawan beach rocks!(:
i jus lurve the banana song.
but the camp is like over le?
must study..
term one results were alrite bahs.
mryeow or rather woey?
he really gave me a shock when i saw 3h results at the concourse.
my avg was lik 66.8?
n later found out dat he din add amaths.
haiis.made me real sad for one day.
waste my muscles for being sad.
nxt wk gt bio n amaths test.
n sad to say..
i forgt all the quadratic graph formulas!!
wo si le-
n bio..
i tink im dead for it le ba..

[a] 4:47 AM

Saturday, March 18, 2006
seriously ive really lost the interest in blogging
n i dunno y im still cuming here.
hahah.fu yan myself ba.
holidays r jus over like dat le.
it's like damn fast or i can say,short?
haiix.n i haven completed my hol hmwk.
im such a slcker during dis hol.
oh wells.camp took up one day of our hols.
which definitely isnt fair.
y not all sec threes pon sch on mon then?
the rest of the days hav been spent playing the com.
eating n eating n watching tv.
so yarh.dats hw hmwrk accumulate.
n here i am worrying wad will mssng do to me
if she finds out dat ive nt done the bkreview?
arrgghhhs.she's gonna giv me a real bad scolding.
but its like HELLO?!
dis is not even a holiday larh.
holidays r for students to rest or mayb do a lil of revision.
we shld be free frm hmwrk can?
hu's dat person hu set this tradition dat hol hmwrk shld be given?
ohwells.i shld nt put the blame on anyone.
it's all my fault actually.
i was a slacker all along.
n yup.im left wth so much to do!

#. bk review [i jus started reading..-.-]
#. ss wksht [due nxt fri =D]
#. fei ying [due end of dis month isnt it? ((x]
#. practise for maths common test TMR [im halfway thru (:]
#. study for chem class test on weds [im halfway thru too]

shucks =x

[a] 6:49 PM

Friday, March 17, 2006
my old blog is back.
which is a gud gud thg
but oso a bad bad thg
cos i hav to go round telling ppl saying

[a] 8:33 PM

sorry ppl.
my previous blog is corrupted.
so yarh
i hafta change address.
twinkling-starx.blogspot.com is gonna be a history.
n dis is so shitty.
stupid blogspot la.
go ard killing ppl's blog.
n so sweh im one of them.
haiis.jiu end here le.
im falling asleep any min(x

[a] 8:38 AM

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
ayyyeeeyeah saburehhh
kochipehpeh kochipehh
kochipehpeh saburehhh
yi er san si
xi de guo dong!
xi de guo dong xi de dong!
xi de guo dong xi MY TOE.

im still in camp mood yah?
feeling v sian now.
so decided to update my blog.
sad to say dat there's still alot of holiday hmwk to be done.
and the time left is jus so little.
surely can finish de.
dis is definitely not a holiday.
i only finished my maths.
did eng compre except for summary.
AND no more le.
i haven borrowed a book for eng bk review.
n i haven thot of a book yet.
cos i dun have the book list!
*give me one adidas clap*
shall stop here le

[a] 5:28 PM

Sunday, March 12, 2006
finally solved the cookie prob.
but here i am.dunno wad to say.
was talking to bingkia jus nw.n yups.
i really tink dtat i changed.
as in changed myself to fit into other's character.
doing thgs dat i cant believe dat im actually doing it.
im jus not me.
jus starting to really hate myself.
i dunno wad has gt into me.
i wanna get back to the real me.
the real real me.
im jus so confused with my feelings.
contradictions n watever.
i dun wanna care anymore.
jus hope dat after the hols.
i'll be the old me.
the old sherli..dots.

okays.in order nt to make dis post short.
i shall talk abt the secthree bonding camp.
3h really made it thru n made dis camp memorable.
i only started to treasure the days at the camp on the last day.
the day when we went to palawan beach n played captain's ball.
i really can sense the bond within 3h when we cheered for the ppl playing.
cheered till we lose our voices.
but it was all worth it.
we had our strategy.n we earned lotsa pts.
altho we din made it for the best grp.
but i believed dat we really tried(:
n talking bout the instructors.
benjamin say n jeremiah.
i realised that they really rock.
jus on the last day.
it was kinda late.
but at least i realised it.
benjamin was kinda sianded on the first day as he lost his voice.
but on the third day he was back.
so enthu.so high.
i was kinda shocked.
jeremiah was gud all along.
so yeahh.
overall.i wanna say a big big thankyou to the insrtuctors.

three cheers n three cheers for instructors!
hiphip HOORAY
hiphip HOORAY
hiphip HOORAY

talking bout mr yeow.
he's really gud.he cared for us.
this camp really made 3h love mryeow more.
the gulp he bought for us.
i was touched.
bringing us to 7-eleven after the campfire.
yups. i really treasured all dat ya?
thanks mryeow(:

yups.dtats all le.
i dunno hw to elaborate further.

i jus hate ME-

[a] 7:41 PM

Monday, March 06, 2006
sorry for nt posting since like forever?
due to some stupid cookies prob dat jus cant be solved.
but urrms.so many many thgs happened during the past few days.
n yups,i really wanna take dis chance to fa xie here.
anyway.03.03.06 seemed to be the worst day ever.
though it sumhw supposed to be a happy day,
like wad most ppl said.
but unexpected thgs [or rather expected] thgs happened dat jus made me feel the opposite.
in another words.DISAPPOINTED.yup.dtas the word.
ms kartini really gave me a big big present or rather shock?
i failed my geog.yups.
actually i kinda predicted that will happen.
with such poor map skills n a lack of understanding,
how will i ever pass dat geog paper?
goshh.i can really be a fortune teller.
i predict the future pretty well hurr.
so yarh.we had dis retest due to the fact that 13 ppl failed.
and i tot that there mite be a chance dat my marks will improve from a d7 to a b3.
but my results proved me wrong.
wad i got was jus a passing mark.a c6.
wadevrr.im sososo disappointed with myself.
the retest was actually almost the same paper.
n im like so stupid to get such low marks.
n worst of all.LAST in class.
fine.im jus gonna accept the fact n gt over dis.
but it's really difficult la.
can we really forget thgs by jus saying that we wan to?

n yup.to the person out dere.
i noe you're not gonna see dis.
but i jus wanna say dat my feelings r like dead now.
u brought me into 3h
made use of me.
made me feel outcasted.
saying thgs that really hurt one's feeling
n yupp.i shall not shed a single tear anymore.
one who's worth it wun make u tear.
but once again.all those thgs dat i said dun mean to discriminate you on purpose.
u once gave me a memorable frenship which i used to treasure.
yups.jus wanna say a thankyou for dat.

shi jian neng gou wang ji yi qie
sheng zhi shi yi xie ni bu xiang wang ji de shi qing.

[a] 3:08 AM

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