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Friday, June 30, 2006
my eyes r freakin red now.
due to insufficient sleep.ugggghh.
i regretted sleeping at 1am last nite.
n waking up 5.5o in the morning.
my eyes bearly can open.lols.
sports day dis yr was real boring.
so many people pon.especially the ap sectwos.
haiix.can u imagine how embarrassed i was when we did the cheer?
i was pratically looking at the floor throughout.
with 25 pathetic ppl,how are supposed to cheer?
all we got was the sacarstic remarks frm the mc.
"15% goes to ORIGINALITY" -.-
n yup.hearing other ccas laughing at us.
i know we're pathetic.hah.
actually i dun see the purpose of sports day=/
wads the meaning of running on the damn track?
lols.so funny(:
im tired now.veryvery tired.
n the 'four day holidays' are filled up again,with HOMEWORK.
im sick lorh.
the stupid english presentation.
maths hmwrk.chem test.geog wkbk.
n stil got others tat i cant rmb.
WONDERFUL.i love the teachers man!-.-
first week of school was real tiring can.
i dunno why.i fell asleep during maths.hah.shocking huh.
evryone's jus so hmm.tired?
hahh.im slowly switching to the 'studying' mood.
it takes time to adpat,i think.
chem test(:
1mol=6 x 10^23
concentration=g/dm3 or mol/dm3
lalala.i forgt.need some revison =x

[a] 11:29 PM

Monday, June 26, 2006
first day of sch was terrible,
when it all started with the stupid chinese common test.
structured qs abt the dingzhuangmeng n they all add up to a total of 30 marks i think.
i was like so stunned when i saw those qs.
how am i supposed to dig out info frm my dead brain?
argghh.it sucks.i jus hope dat those crap i wrote will prevent me frm failing.
and tat maths project.
really understood the true meaning of grp work.
how impt it is for us to cooperate together in order to produce a good piece of work.
tis may sound like a reflection or somewhat.
but it's true.i too,realised tat there are definitely sum ppl hu choose to be irresponsible n do nth.
n the thg is,he/she doesnt feel guilty.
hah.humans r selfish sumtimes n dey can actually turn out to be qte mean.
REALITY.tats the word.
im feeling real down now.
there's amaths hmwk not done.
n i left my damn book in the damn locker.
so wat i can actually do now,is to do NOTHING.
knowing tat i have so much left undone..
hah.im screwing up evry single bit of my life rite now.
the moment i stop working,i'll start tinking.
tinking abt negative stuffs tat really makes me wanna start tearing.
promises ppl hav once made,were broken sumhw.
the trust tat i once had in ppl,all lost in a sudden.
not knowing hw to tresure the ones beside you n doing thgs tat r really really wrong.
the basic trust we shld hav among ourselves.where hav they all gone to?
i hate accepting reality.i hate accepting all tis.
i dun see the reason why one has to hurt ppl around him/her.
wash my mind.i wanna get rid of all these negative thgs tat are going on in my mind.
they are really too much for me to bear.
sumtimes i just wish tat i cld be alone.
stop thinking..stop working.stop EVERYTHING.

[a] 9:40 PM

Thursday, June 22, 2006
4 more days to the reopening of school.
n i HAVE NOT completed my holiday hmwk.
hahah.who has actually completed hur?
i remembered last yr,peishan used to complete them all.
as in ALL u know?she's one hardworking student.
lols.so,one month has jus flown by.
n i think.ive kinda wasted my time slacking.
those promises ive made before the holidays r hmm.so called,broken?
ive promised to actually use tis one month to buck up on my english.
but sad to say,nothing is done.
hah.im useless=/
im still under the torture of pride n prejudice.
i cant understand wad the whole damn bk is talking abt can.
the words are like so chim.
i have to read one whole paragraph for a total of 3-4 times in order to get wad the author meant.
hah.ive gt low english standard.
real low.hah.useless..
im feeling demoralised at tis very moment.
dun feel like carryin on with my hmwrk anymore.
i jus dun understand WHY the school loves giving hmwrk.
they do enjoy evry single bit of it hur.
anyway.im so not looking forward to the reopening of sch.
i dun look forward to having a chinese test on the FIRST day of sch.
can i turn back time?
let the june holidays come back again.
i need them BADLY((:

[a] 8:10 PM

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
zai jian ying huo chong webbie(:

[a] 8:40 AM

Friday, June 16, 2006
i LOVE eunice!<3

[a] 9:06 AM

hey ppl.our grp has designed the survey for the emaths project.
yup.here's the link.
please help us ya?we need at least 50 ppl.
actually i tink tis is so not related to maths.
we r even made to write a proposal in PROPER format to the school.
it's fake la.duhh.
it sounds as if doc.boon is gonna listen to our suggestions.
n worse still,y mus we do a proposal?!
no link.n tis is definitely not english ok.
haix.i dun understand wat the sch is thinking.
but anyway.jus help complete the survey ya?

talking abt today.
hah.had some sort of fun during cca.
reported early in the morning outside 2j classroom.
and we had dis lesson taught my our alumni members.
they dismantled the cpu n described the diff parts in it.
it was qte boring.
but still, i did made an effort to listen.
yups.the mother board was real big.
lols.looked like a model map or sumthg.
anyway.the lesson only lasted for an hr plus,i think.
ohya.i forgt abt the elections.
rather shi bai.cos only 6 pathetic secthrees came today.
n yup.during the lessons,our seniors counted the votes.
n so.the results were out.it was sort of a handover.
and yah.kewei's the pres!(x
n kehui's the vice-pres.
yingqian's the secretary.
steph n i are the treasurers.
n eunice n xinmin are the welfare i/c.
those r the few pathetic posts.
i dun really like being a treasurer thou.
can see the money but cant touch :(
sumore u hav to chase ppl for money.
hah.not nice hur.

after tat secthrees had a meeting.
we hav to make up cheers for the sports day.
i hate it when we hav to cheer during sports day =X
but haiz.the seniors forced us to do tis.
ohyah.we were scammed for lunch.
we ordered pizza n yah.
we tot it was going to a big one.
BUT it turned out to be two small ones.
buy one get one free sumore.
and it costs a total of $19.90!
arrggghhh.scam our money :(

i dun feel like typing anymore.hah.

[a] 1:05 AM

Sunday, June 11, 2006
it's getting quite late now.12.59am.
but i think i shall jus post sumthg up here before i get some sleep.
i shall try to type this post in proper english.
in this way,not only can i improve my english standard,
at the same time, i can try not to piss ppl off
with my 'perfect' singlish.hahah.
okay.im getting out of hand.
back to reality.
oh ya.im so GLAD to say tat,
im FREE from tuitions for a whole of two weeks.
two weeks which equals to 14 days.
which equals to..hmm.
let me calculate.
a total of 336 hours.
yup.dat was not done mentally.
my hp calculator did it.
im getting quite out of point again.
i've sort of planned wat im going to do for the next two weeks.
YUP.im gonna read finish 3 storybks.
one- tat damn ding zhuang meng.
siewting claimed tat it was nice.
oh well.i shld trust her taste ya?
im gonna FORCE myself to open to the first page n start reading.
two- another chinese bk
again,forced by the sch.
i hate it when we're forced to do things.
esp reading bks of THEIR choices.not ours.
and i think we're having a common test on it.
woowww.im so looking forward=/
three- an english bk.
hmm.sad to say.
i have not borrowed(:
supposed to go to the sch library n find.
but.i cant find the time.
or rather.im too lazy.
oh ya.we're supposed to do a presentation on the bk ya?
i cant imagine myself standing in front of the class n go speechless=X

oh wells.still gt more okays.
gotta learn yan yu.
twenty of them.n they're way TOO chim.
still gt 3 more jian bao/zhou ji.
uh huh.i tink i wld be dead by then.
who knows?mayb i will end up going back to sch n start copying frm others.
hah.tat will most likely happen(:
nothing is impossible if u choose to believe.
yups.so im BELIEVE tat im gonna be a
hardworking gurl for the remaining 2wks.
cmon.MUG hard ppl.
there's always time to play after the olvls hur?=/
it's like so far.but yet so near.
time flies! rmb tat.
gansherli is gonna work hard.
temasek jc -my dream-
real crappy post.
im off to sleep now.

[a] 10:03 AM

Friday, June 09, 2006
sixth sense tells me dat it's gonna end soon.
it's time i shld let go;

[a] 8:25 AM

Wednesday, June 07, 2006
was running a high fever jus now.
my head was like so heavy.
n my whole body ached.
so yups.my mum took the trouble to cum back frm work n brought me to see e doctor.
the doctor really sounded damn professional lor.
the way she talked.the way she explained.
it's real professional(:
so ya.i gt this virus fever.
n my body temp went as high as 38.9
hah.was kinda shocked.
so i was given sum panadols n body ache medicine.
oh ya.the panadols r damn big.
had difficulty swallowing two at a time.
went to sleep after dat.
n so here i am.
recovering.i HOPE.
after much perspiration for no reasons.
my head doesnt feel heavy anymore(:
ohya.im the 5th to gt sick at hm.
it all started wth my cousin =/
but i shall admit dat
i ate too much chocolates.lols.

no strength to type.
so i shall stop here-

[a] 2:49 AM

Monday, June 05, 2006
real hot weather recently.
n my darn aircon is like spoiled.
HAH.n ive been sleeping inthe living rm for the past few days.
n my body is like aching rite now.
sleepless nites ya?
lols.bad holidays.
haf not been touching my hmwk for the past few days.
im guilty =/
jus dun hav the energy.the urge to start workin.
furthermore.still gt 3weeks to go ya?
LOL.i know time flies like nobody's business.
but i shall nt giv a damn rite now.
im feeling real lazy.
ahhh.hu cares la.
i shall start workin tmr de tmr.
yup.i WILL n i must.
this holiday seems to be real down.
evryone's like so busy.
busy with camps.ccas n all other stuffs.
cant even find the time to hang out together with frens.
it's like so different frm the past.
n now.im always STUCK at home.
lying on the bed.
walking ard.n staring at the pile of hmwk.
this sucks totally can.
HAIX.cant even get to enjoy.
n sad to say.im havin physics tuition soon.
but it was me hu made dis request.
so yup.contradictions hur.
i never liked tuitions.

i hate it when i start to care-

[a] 7:04 AM

Friday, June 02, 2006
make-up lessons are like finally OVER!(:
lols.now must really concentrate on the hols hmwk?
hmms.not jkin yeah?
anyway.can anyone tell me when we mus go back to sch n get the answers for the bio hmwk?
hah.im kinda confused with the dates rite now.
gt lotsa thgs to do.
lotsa bks to read.
sumtimes its better without holidays.
but hah.at least there's a lil tym left to relax n slack,
without those long sch hrs buggin me.
lol.i dun hate sch dat much la.
jus hate those bks facing me evryday.
had a bad experience in whitesands' mac today.
we were sitting beside a nosey mother with two of her daughters quietly practising their 'wonderful' algebra.
i was kinda stunned.
cos yah.they wereso hardworkin lor.
not like me.
so pris,yanni n i were wondering which sch were they from.
den i dunno why we started tokin abt tkgs.
n pris said tat tkgs gt lotsa lesbians?
lols.i din realised anythg until pris said tat she found out tat the two girls were frm tkgs.
then the mother took out her phone n called sumone.
she started discriminating us for no reasons.
say"three anglican high girls...blah blah"
she even called us ji po..as in kaypo or nosey.
hah.i wasnt tat pissed in the first place.
cos i din know wad was going on until we left mac.
n pris told me evrythg.
wat the hell lor.
i dun understand why the mother gt so agitated in the first place la.
i really pity those two girls.
dots..i dun wanna elaborate further le.
i jus look dwn on such ppl.
complain all u want.
im not gonna care(:

[a] 3:36 AM

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