you guys might be wondering wat am i doing here,when evryone else are probably busy mugging for exams right now.
time's running out.TWELVE more days.
everyone just seems to be counting down.
and as what the people ard me have been complaining about,the stress level this year is just so much higher than before.
and yup,i totally agree to this.
i must say tat 3h's god damn hardworking.
just look at the number of ppl who sacrificed their recess for the bio test held during the next period,you wld definitely understand what i mean.
ive to admit tat this week was the worst week ever for me,in particular.
i seemed to have screwed up all the tests n physics spa this week.
mugging really hard,the shedding of tears and disppointments.
well,tats enough.i know tat ive gone beyond my limits,which therefore explains why im here to give myself a break.
yup.just want to thank those people who have given me the support from time to time when i was under some kind of break down.
thanks for ya consoles,esp siewting and pris.
it's time i shld learn how to be strong and take things easy.
as for now,im gonna MUG extremely,horribly HARD for the sake of eoy.
and i belive that evryone definitely has the potential to do well.
have faith and determination ya?
all the best.jiayous(:
[a] 12:15 AM
one more day,and the sept holidays are coming to an end.
im seriously against the re-opening of school :(
first of all,three more weeks to end-of-year,which definitely ISNT a short period of time.
three weeks- 21 days =/
i bet i'll be dead,especially with the hectic exam time-table,which was much worse than before.
ARGGH.and come to think tat teachers are not done with their teachings...
well,it just makes me freak out.
i cant imagine how they're gonna rush through and how on earth are we gonna absorb.
i hate the person who came up with the idea of exmas.
although it's a great way to test on how much we've learnt,but it's creating so much stress in evryone.including the teachers.
im praying seriously hard tat i'll get through all this.
tat isnt a good way to start my post huh.
but exams seem to be the first thg tat comes to my mind nowadays.
counting down the number of days,how many more chpts to go..etc.
it's just hinders too much tat i'll go absolutely crazy sumtimes=/
i shall end here cos hmm..really gt nth much to say.
jiayous and mugg hard everyone!(:
im looking forward to see siewting's new hairstyle on monday(x
heh. cya!(:
[a] 7:32 AM
i dunno wat on earth has gotten into me recently.
a holiday does not seem to be a holiday to me anymore.
i somehow just cant rest peacefully or watch a tv programme in a relaxing manner.
my brain just keeps reminding me tat ive got to get back to my books and start studying.
and all these countless reminders are just driving me crazy at times.
evrytime i choose to give myself a short break,i'll start to feel a sense of guilt overcoming me.
my brain seemed to be nagging at me,saying "you aint supposed to be shld be studying rite now.."
i seriously dunno why such a dumb feeling is pestering me nowadays.
when i attained good results,i dun feel a sense of achievement at all.
i just claimed myself to be lucky and think tat such luck will not be by my side for long.
the results seemed fake in my eyes.
and i just dun seem to understand WHY.
im aware tat studying non-stop is not doing any good to me.
im aware tat there's something wrong with me.
im aware tat im on the road to depression or sumthg else that's bad.
but.wat on earth can i do?
slap myself?force myself to stop thinking?
i just want to be the old me.
haix.i shant let the post end tis way even though im not in the right mood now.
anyway,talking about today,i went out for group studying with pris and mandice at changi aiport.
the environment wasnt exactly quiet due to many people dining over there.
yup.we werent the only ones who studied there actually.
there were many others doing tat too.
and we saw cherie and junru,which was kind of a surprise to me(:
great effort was put in as we tried to concentrate reading our bio.
but in some way or another,there was still some gossiping here and there.
a rather fun experience actually,although i only managed to cover the chpt on excretion.
got kind of mixed up with the osmoregulation part,but mandice helped to clear my doubts.
yup.the whole thing ended at around 4plus.
and mandice and i took mrt back,while pris' parents came to pick her.lucky duck.
there wasnt much conversation gg on in the train between mandice and i.
was it because we're busy reading our txtbks,or rather, we din hav anything to talk abt?
i dunno.somehow,i just think tat we're drifting apart and tis friendship doesnt matter tat much to you anymore.
mayb it's due to the fact tat you've got other friends who are much closer to you.
or maybe, it's due to the fact tat we're not sitting with each other anymore.
or maybe, it's because you've shifted and we're unable to go out tat often.
but seriously,i think tis friendship which i used to treasure, is gonna end sumhow.
i truly missed those days when we can go out together to buy bubble tea at the weirdest time of the day.
i truly missed those days when we can chat on the phone for hours without getting tired.
but now,although such thing aint happening,you're still a friend whom i once treasured.
thanks for the unforgettable friendship(: getting way too emotional,i guess.
anyway,im gg out with binghao and eunice tmr.
hope tat i could give myself a break and really have fun.
tats all for now(:
[a] 7:02 PM
im back after a tiring yet FUN weekend! :D
you wld not imagine how much ive went thru these three days!(x
LOL.the chalet,the trip to city hall to purchase mandice's birthday present and last of all FLAG DAY!
apparently,im more enthusiastic towards the chalet which happened two days ago.
so yup.a warning to those out there.
this is gonna be an extremely looonnngg post.
i suggest tat u shld jus look thru the pictures if you're easily bored with thgs tat are really draggy.
:D so i go.
it's teachers' day as you all know:D
i want to express my gratitude to all the teachers who have tolerated with my sotong-ness.
hehh.i love you all xD
oh yah.anyway,it was also the day when mryeow organised a chalet for 3H,at national service resort country club [nsrcc].
fantastic place indeed(:
the bungalow was big and two storeys high,which was just enough to acommodate the whole class. the whole class took a free shuttle bus to the place.
upon reaching our destination,a group of ppl went off to an area to finish decorating the HUGE card tat we're gonna give to mryeow.
and we(pris,siqing,siewting,mandice n xinyi) are then asked to find mryeow and also to make sure tat he doesnt walk to the area tat they were in.
so,we found mr&mrs yeow having a meal at an unknown cafe and he made a short introduction of us to mrsyeow,as we started walking off in a particular direction.
mryeow saw thru our plan in the end=/
so yah.the others finally came with the huge card in their hands and also,a plastic bag which was filled with many different brands of coffee(:
i bet mryeow was touched cos i,myself liked the card very much.
esp the class photo tat was pasted at the back..NICE!(x

a picture of the card!(:
after we've left our stuff in the room,almost half of us went out to the sea to have sum fun.
as jessica could not go,sum of them,tgt with mryeow stayed back to accompany her in chalet.
but mandice and i felt kinda guilty after tat and so we decided to make our back. i decided to take a picture before leaving,as the others decided to go to east coast to play.

tats baowen,hanlu,chuanyun and minghui walking in a line.
i guess tat they were unaware of tis.
had fun in the chalet playing cards and watching ppl dancing.
here's sum random pictures tat i have tou pai-ed(x

our legs!xD

luhuan and zhising,edison fixing.

mandice's 'creation'.she spilled the ribena=.=

mryeow and jessica dancing.rather amusing.LOL!

overview of our chalet.tats pris!hehh.
after tat we decided to have a short walk ard the whole place and have a look-out at the again,sum random pics.
im too lazy to type=X

biggg place for bowling huh.

me and siewting!xD

kawaii x)
there was a huge surprise for the september babies after we've had the bbq!
mryeow actually bought a yummy chocolate cake to celeberate as a class.
unexpected huh.

the sept babies!bainan,chuanyun,baowen,mandice n sheryl.

bainan cutting the cake:D

the outcome=/ having so much fun posting the pics.
many ppl went back after 10plus and in the end,only those who were staying over were left behind.
we ate cup noodles tgt and soon after tat,the mahjong started.
as siewting,sheryl and i had abolutely zero knowledge of the game,we decided to a heart-to-heart talk among ourselves and entertain ourselves my taking sum pics.
oh yeahh.we also drank sum coffee to wake ourselves up.
nescafe is nice!

siewting and me!

the ever so cute sheryl(:

mryeow,minghui,chuanyun n baowen playing mahjong.
mryeow's in his specs. looked studious huh?
anyway.tats all for chalet for now.
we had so much fun as a class!
and i shall nvr forget the nite when i struggled to make myself stay awake till 4.30am.
i love 3H(:
anyway flag day was really meaningful today.
i finally understood the feeling of being ignored=/
a smile really does matter even if you're nt helping.
at least i feel tat my effort is worthwhile.
conserve the wildlife(:donate to the zoo and save the animals!LOLS.weird organasation but i really enjoyed myself tgt with pris,standing outside whitesands and asking ppl for donations.
i hope tat the animals wld be able to know how much we've done for them.
my back ached after standing for hours:(
i shall stop here then.i can feel tat ive typed a reallllyyy long post.
gonna be tied down at home for the next few days.
have to start working on my homework and also,start mugging for the upcumin eoy which is approaching in a month's time.
HAIX.time really flies.
[a] 9:30 PM