-'summarised' frm yalun's blog(:
这是我生平第一次,如此的憎恨 如此的抗拒跨入新的一年.
我认为,人必须通过种种的考验以及挑战,才能从中而学会到了做人的原则与生存的意义. 不是吗?
2007年O水准! 我如今向你提出挑战!
[a] 6:15 PM
i can finally type in chinese!all thanks to siewting...siewting's com.(not her)
<3 吴尊(秀婷也是啦)
[a] 11:13 PM
great.im finally bringing myself to blog(:
but ive got nothing in mind right now, which kinda contradicts my purpose up here.
seriously,ive been lacking the inspiration to blog all these while..and it therefore explains why my posts are shrinking in length=/
wellll,2006 is coming to an end soon.and yup ive promised siewting to type a looonng post tat focuses on the topic-- reflections and resolutions.
i guess it'll only be up on the 31st of dec,the day when people gather themselves tgt and welcome the upcoming new year.(with fireworks display,i guess?)
errm tat sentence dun seem to link-.-
you know what?
ive got this sudden urge to type a post in chinese.
somehow,i think im stronger in tat language and wld most probably be able to express myself in a better way.
but sadly,i cant seem to locate any damn chinese software or even a language bar in my com.
rarrr.i must be influenced by siewting and our conversation abt yalun(x
he's got fantastic writing skills and types real meaningful stuff tat moves me.
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/arronbubesthave a look yah.
moreover,he's got an attractive outlook((:
which equates to GOOD-looking(shuai) :D
anyway,we made a trip to kinokuniya today.
and and and.
i saw
hua yang shao nian shao nv's novel!but with the state im in now,im obviously unable to afford the 15bucks:(
guess what?im like offically BROKE now.
and i want the novel badly.as in yahh.realllllllll badly.
oh well.gansherli's just being desperate right now..=/
*scrolls up and look*
omg.why have i typed so much crap?
ohwell.if you appear to be reading this stupid post,bear with wats going thru my mind yah?
cos my brain's ain't working well.
anyway, bless those victims in taiwan.
although they're not gonna see this,but i sincerely hope that they'll be able to pull thru this fateful disaster and move on with life(:
you may have lost your loved ones.
but think it in another way,they've sacrificed their lives(despite directly or indirectly) for yours.
so, for the sake of them and the ppl who've been caring for you all along, wipe off your tears and put on a smile(:
that wld make their sacrifices worthwhile,wont it?
may god bless you guys..
well.im ending off here then.
sorry for this random post.
[a] 6:22 AM
MERRY CHRISTMAS!(:im like finally in a proper christmas mood.
went out on a shopping trip to parkway tgt with my mum tis afternoon.
and guess what?we spent a total of 4hrs(i think) shopping for gifts and ended up carrying lotsa stuff back home.
rather satisfying,as i helped select gifts for my mum(though i din pay for them=X)
i got my christmas gift too:D a billabong bag.
although the design's kinda outdated.but watevr,it's on discount anyway.
hahh.im saving money for my mum(:
anyway,ive been freeing myself for work for like three consecutive days.
so,ive gotta start working on my zuowens tmr.
two more to go,and im FINALLY done with school work.
all the more,ive gotta refresh my memory on the book "ting qing chun zai ku qi".
test on the first day of sch rmb?
rarrr it just spoils evrythg):
oh wells, have a holly jolly christmas evryone and also,a fabulous year ahead(:
we're gonna face the upcoming challenges with courage and strong determination!
dreaming of a white christmas;we're going on a sleigh ride.WHEEE(:
[a] 3:37 AM

i was told by qin that it's elvin's birthday today(:
hahh.random huhh.
anyway,i just got back from 2bee xmas party an hour ago.
i guess i must be missing out lotsa fun as i was the only one who left early.
didnt manage to enjoy the logcake tgt with them,but hmm i had fun bbq-ing stuff.
there was a lil drizzle here and there,but we managed to bbq the food with hmm determination?lols.
yupyup.i'll always rmb the period when germaine and i were breaking the joints of the poor raw chicken wings.
the sauce(and blood) was all over my hands and arms.
arrgh.it was real disgusting.(but fun ehh?) :D
overall,evrythg went on quite smoothly except for the part when i felt kinda out of place=/
shant elaborate on tat,as it's just gonna spoil the atmosphere.
anyway,MERRY CHRISTMAS to you guys out there!
have fun yahh(:
it's a pity tat i din manage to play with those 'fire crackers' which i saw earlier on.
but oh well,seeyah guys real soon when sch reopens(:
take care.
[a] 8:08 AM
it feels rather weird to start updating my blog once again.
ive been pressing the 'backspace' key countless times,just to think of a proper way to start my post.
but as you can see,my introduction above is stupid=/
LOL.well,i was back from thailand exactly a week ago.
the trip was unforgettable,i must say. bought lotsa stuff and smuggled qte a number of gummies back home=X
but unfortunately,i fell sick ever since,for three consecutive days.
the feeling of puking was disturbing me every now and then.(sounds rather disgusting huh?)
but yup,im all WELL now!(x all thanks to some weird chinese medicine recommended by my aunt,which tasted seriously bitter.
well well.life's still boring for me as usual.
nothing much happened.
and yup,like many of you guys out there,im here at home,trying to rush thru the holiday assignments.
felt kinda stressed up=//
but anyway,to all those who are trying to catch up with their work,JIAYOUS alrite?
im here to keep you going!(: hahh.mental support ehh:D
anglican high.where talents soar.randomm-.-
anyway,im caught up with a really niiccee drama recently!
hua yang shao nian shao nv (HANA KIMI)
it's a pity that only one episode gets uploaded a week.
which means,i have to undergo seven days of waiting before getting to watch the next episode.
BOOOOSS.and im seriously fa-ing hua chi((x
SO SO SO SO in love with WUZUN!<33 lolls.

[a] 4:07 AM
luck is when preparation meets opportunities(:yup:D meaningful isnt it?
i was kinda stunned to find this in the biology textbook.hahh.
is SOOOO killing me.
six zuowen and book reviews tat are left undone.
i can't wait to leave singapore now.
im just so sick of lazing around at home and being abosolutely alone.
out of casssssshhhh$$$.hahh random=/
[a] 7:29 AM
oh wells.im back here with a post again,due to some 'pestering' from a fren.
no offence ehh?=X
well,with regards to this fren,WILLIE QUEK.heh heh.
ive decided to add some praises of him down here.
im kind of surprised to see a change in him as i was chatting with him on msn.
his ability to read someone's character,the kind of advices he gave to me abt life made me hmm stunned?hahah.
willie arh.it seems tat i shld change my thoughts of you now huhh.
associate you with the word "mature".lolls.(though im not exactly mature too=/)
anyway,please do be honoured tat i mentioned you in my post yah?(x
and and and.please dun forget abt the promise tat you've made.
*you know wat i mean.hahh!
well,talking abt my LIFE.
boredom's seriously killing me.booos.
i just got my new pair of specs today.
black frames and orange inside.blahh bad description.
but it's giving me problems rite now.
the frames are a lil too tight and the worst thing is,i feel as if im floating=/
*flooooaaatttsss up down left right*
i guess i need a lil more time to adapt to this new pair of specs(:
andand im going on an overseas trip again :D
this time im flying off to thailand! which means tat i get to enjoy another experience on a plane.
whoo im high(x
i just sooo love planes.i love the feeling of looking out thru tat small window by the sides.
i love the feeling of being served.
and hmm i love the food in the plane.though it doesnt taste tat good at all times,but i just the love the way the food is packaged in.
im weird=/ hahah.
nth much to talk about now.
my life's just plain boringggg.
and there's still loads of homework to be done you know.
LOTS to do and yet,there's this sense of reluctance in me.
im soooo against homework rite now.shuckks.
*raises hand and admits*
i cant drag this post any longer.
my specs are stressing my poor eyes.*cries.
shall give them a break now.
so hmm.shall be back with my next post real soon.
i hope=X
[a] 6:28 AM